You are reading a 2015 entry from my Curriculum Vanitas page. The next one is titled “Joining forces as Parlay”.
A testament to being hands-on
The Vlaams Huurdersplatform (VHP) is a tenant interest group which combines and supports the Huurdersbonden (the Flemish tenants’ associations) and VIVAS, the network for social tenants. To create and promote unity, I am requested to rebrand the group as a whole and develop an all-encompassing brand system.
Though all members within the group share a common goal, their particular activities, core audience and outreach couldn’t be more different, oftentimes resulting in a communication mix and match. I choose to reuse key elements of the Huurdersbonden and VIVAS, as supported by VHP, and bind each member using a single element.
To emphasize transition, independent websites are fused into a single platform, each with their particular content and outreach programmes. Testament to my hands-on approach, I also build a dedicated intranet allowing nationwide knowledge sharing.